Monday, February 21, 2022

Currently we are at the CEF Headquarters in Warrenton, Missouri helping out with the Children’s Ministries Institute. There is a young man here who has a very unique name – Revival. Yes, that is really his name. A few months ago, I asked him if he was praying for revival. His reply, “yes”.
One of the KJV Dictionary definitions for revival is: “an awakening of men to their spiritual concerns.”

Tim found an amazing revival story I want to share with you from evangelist, Duncan Campbell.

Duncan Campbell says, “I was addressing the Bangor Convention… when I was suddenly gripped by the conviction that I had to leave the convention, and leave at once, and go to this island. I turned to the chairman and told my convictions, … So, to make a long story short, it was agreed that I should leave the convention. I left the following morning by plane to the city of Glasgow, and from Glasgow by plane to the town of Stornoway, and then by car across the island where a ferryboat met me and took me to this island of, say, 500 inhabitants.
On arriving, I met a young lad. … to my knowledge no one on the island had ever met me. … “Would you direct me to the nearest minister?”
“We have no minister on the island. Just now both churches are vacant.”
“Would you then direct me to the nearest elder?”
“Yes, the nearest elder lives in that house on the hill.”
So I said to the lad, “Do you mind going up to the elder and telling him that Mr. Campbell has come to the island? And if he asks, ‘What Campbell?’ tell him the Campbell that was on the Island of Lewis.”
So that the young lad went up and after a few minutes came back and said, “Hector McKennon was expecting you to arrive today. And you are to stay with his brother. And he asked me to tell you that he has initiated a meeting at the church at 9:00 tonight and he expects you to address it.”

The Secret of Revival at Berneray:
Now, explain that as you will. Here was a man who on the morning of the day that I sat in the church of Bangor Island, decided to spend the day in prayer. He was concerned about the parish, particularly about the state of the young people growing up in a state of indifference to God and to the church. And his wife told me that on three occasions she went to the door of the barn where he was praying and she heard him pray, “God, I do not know where he is, but you know, and you send him.”
About 10:00 that evening he was possessed of the conviction that God heard his cry and that I would be on the island on this particular day. Hence, the initiation that I would preach in the church at 9:00 that evening.
We went to the church. Quite a considerable congregation gathered – about 80. The service was a very ordinary service. Indeed, at the end, I wondered after all if I was led to the island. But there were men there nearer to God than I was. My dear people, we’ve got to be honest!
This old man that I already referred to came to me and said, “I hope you are not disappointed that revival has not come to the church tonight. But God is hovering over us, and He will break through any minute!”

Here was a man near to God! “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.”
God has Come!
We are now walking down from the church. The church is on a hillock, the main road is down about 300 yards below the church. The congregation is moving down and we are walking behind them when … suddenly, the elder stands, takes off his hat, “Stand, Mr. Campbell. God has come! God has come! See what is happening!” And I looked toward the congregation and I saw them falling on their knees among the heather. I heard the cries of the penitent. And that meeting that began at 11:00 that night continued on the hillside until 4:00 in the morning. The island was suddenly gripped by God! Was it because Campbell went to the island? Banish the thought!
I thank God for the privilege, and how thankful I am that I was near enough to God in that pulpit to hear His voice. I have often thought of that. Oh, I’ve often thought of it! If I was out of touch with God – if I was in the place where I couldn’t hear the voice of the Savior, the voice of God, would Berneray have missed that mighty visitation that shook that island from center to circumference.
I question if there was one single house on the island that wasn’t visited that night! An awareness of God, a consciousness of God, seemed to hover over the very atmosphere! The very atmosphere seemed to be charged with the power of Almighty God! That is Revival!

Note the principle brought into operation. If my people called by my name, humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I in heaven hear, come, and heal their land.
There was at least one man on that island who fulfilled the conditions of that one passage of Scripture, and because he fulfilled the conditions, God, being a covenant-keeping God, must be true to His covenant engagements. And God, to vindicate His own honor, had to listen to the prayers of the parish postman who knelt in a barn for a day.
The principles that govern spiritual quickening …Oh, that God may find a people ready to fulfill and to comply with the governing principles relative to spiritual quickening.”
(His full sermon may be found here:
Revival can happen today. There is a great need for a revival in our hearts, lives, country and world, and it is only fitting that it begins with us!

Are you willing to pray for the all-consuming fire of revival in your heart?
- mari