We See Through A Glass Darkly

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Three very beautiful, very different types of birds are feasting at the bird feeder with others constantly coming and going. A squirrel is down below eating what the birds shove off the feeder. Here comes a second squirrel. Others are scrounging amongst all the fallen leaves all around the yard. The turkeys from the neighbors’ yard were also here for a visit, scrounging around for food and showing off their magnificent feathers. Three of them were on the fence a bit ago. My favorite bird, a two-toned brown wren was singing outside my window but hasn’t’ made his appearance yet. Watching the activity outside as I sit here at my desk is better entertainment than anything on TV.

Last week was probably the peak of the fall colors here in Tennessee. I never grow tired of being in awe of the magnificent, vibrant colors whether the sun is shining or not. One day recently was cloudy with the threat of thunderstorms, yet God’s masterpiece was in full bloom. The colors of Fall: Florescent oranges, flaming reds, electrifying yellows, enchanting browns and vibrant greens. The brilliancy. I just can’t get over it. What a feast for the eyes and soul! What an amazing Creator we have!

Trying to get more exercise to help improve our health, Tim and I are trying to get in frequent walks in the neighborhood and going for bike rides. We enjoy biking to church, the park, and the post office while the weather is still warm enough. Two weeks ago, we spent the afternoon with mom and dad at Rock City, exploring the creativity of God and man. Last week Tim and I took the bikes to Cades Cove where we rode the 11-mile circuit. Both occasions, the weather was perfect. Constantly I was stopping to take pictures, thinking all the time, this camera isn’t capturing everything. I have a pretty good camera on my phone, but it just doesn’t do justice to what I am seeing. Such incredibly beauty all around us.

A reoccurring thought, as I feast my eyes is the fact that this earth is not our home. It’s just our temporary dwelling. What we see, “we see through a glass darkly, (1 Corinthians 13:12). The New King James says, “We see in a mirror, dimly.” I know the passage is talking about understanding and discernment; we know so little now in comparison to what we will know in heaven. But I think it can also have to do with what our eyes discern. What we see now, in all it’s incredible beauty and awe, is just a dim reflection of what heaven is going to be like. Can you imagine that? It blows my mind away!

Furthermore, our knowledge and understanding of God is so clouded over and lacking. 1 Corinthians 13:12 goes on to say, “but then face to face…” We will see God face to face. Revelation 1:7 says, “Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him…”  Not only that, 1 John 3:2 declares, “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” We know and see so little, but one day our eyes will be opened. Furthermore, I won’t need glasses anymore!!! I look forward to that day, don’t you?

Take time to enjoy the beauty around you and appreciate the fact that this is just a taste of heaven. If you are a believer, there is so much more to come… in fact, the best is yet to come!

Blessings, Mari

By Mari Dekle

Tim and I downsized greatly from a 2500 sq ft house to a 36 foot long RV so we could be more flexible for this new chapter in our lives, following God's delicious unknown. We have been missionaries for the Lord Jesus Christ for over 30 years and are continually amazed at where He leads us. It is an exciting journey. May we always bring glory to HIS name!

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